Podczas naszych ostatnich toskanskich wakacji zwiedzanie rozpoczelismy od pieknego i zabytkowego miasta polozonego w prowincji Pizy wsrod pieknych, toskanskich wzgorz.
Volterra (Toskania) - to starozytne miasto zalozone jeszcze przez Etruskow przyciaga kazdego roku coraz liczniejsze rzesze turystow z calego swiata. Slynie ono miedzy innymi z wydobycia soli kamiennej oraz alabastru - w niemal kazdym sklepie pamiatkarskim kupic mozna przerozne figurki czy gadzety wykonane wlasnie z alabastru - od bizuterii poczynajac a na pieknych figurach konczac.
My nasze zwiedzanie rozpoczelismy od Porta S. Francesco (Bramy sw. Franciszka), ktora stanowi jedno ze starych wejsc do miasta.
During our recent holiday in Tuscany, our tour began with a beautiful and historic city located in the province of Pisa, among the beautiful Tuscan hills: Volterra
Volterra (Tuscany) - This ancient city, founded by Etruscans, still attracts each year an increasing number of tourists from all over the world. It is famous for, among others, mining rock salt and alabaster - in almost every store you can buy items made with this kind of stone: a lots of gadgets just made with alabaster - beginning with the jewelry and the beautiful figures ending.
We started our tour from Porta S. Francesco, which is one of the old entrances to the city.
Volterra (Tuscany) - This ancient city, founded by Etruscans, still attracts each year an increasing number of tourists from all over the world. It is famous for, among others, mining rock salt and alabaster - in almost every store you can buy items made with this kind of stone: a lots of gadgets just made with alabaster - beginning with the jewelry and the beautiful figures ending.
We started our tour from Porta S. Francesco, which is one of the old entrances to the city.
Nastepnie podazalismy wzdluz Via d.Lino zbaczajac czasem z trasy i spacerujac mniejszymi, aczkolwiek rownie uroczymi uliczkami podziwiajac stare kamienice czy koscioly.
Then we followed along some secondary small streets, but equally charming, admiring the old houses and churches.
Po przyjemnym spacerze dotarlismy do najsynniejszego Placu miasta - Piazza dei Priori, przy ktorym znajduja sie miedzy innymi Duomo (katedra) czy Palazzo dei Priori.
After a nice walk we reached the main town square - Piazza dei Priori, which features among other things, the Duomo (cathedral) and the Palazzo dei Priori.
Wchodzac w jedna z uliczek odchodzacych w lewa strone od Placu podzwiac mozna przepiekna panorame starej i nowej czesci miasta oraz toskanskich wzgorz:-)
From a narrow street on the left side of the square is possible to admire a wonderful panoramic view of the old and new parts of the town and the Tuscan hills :-)