Zatesknilo mi sie do wiosny i slonka...Za oknem jeszcze szaro i buro. Gdyby tak chociaz troszke sniegu bylo, krajobraz bylby ladniejszy. No ale jeszcze troche i bedzie cieplej:-)
Tak dla rozgrzania i siebie i Was chcialam zabrac wszystkich na wirtualna wycieczke nad brzeg Jeziora Maggiore.
Stresa (Piemont) - bo o tym miasteczku dzis bedzie mowa polozone jest w przepieknej scenerii - z jednej strony piekne jezioro zatopione w gorach, z drugiej zas gory porosniete lasami. Miejsce wprost jak z bajki - idealne na weekendowe wypady i odrobine relaksu :)
It is spring but around me it is
still gray. If there
would be just a little of snow,
the landscape would be nicer. Well, but even a little
of time and it will be warmer
Here you can take a virtual trip to the shores of Lake Maggiore.
Stresa (Piedmont) - this town is located in the beautiful scenery - on one hand submerged the beautiful lake among mountains, on the other hand, mountains covered by forests. A place like a in fairy tale - perfect for a weekend getaway and a little bit of relax :)
Here you can take a virtual trip to the shores of Lake Maggiore.
Stresa (Piedmont) - this town is located in the beautiful scenery - on one hand submerged the beautiful lake among mountains, on the other hand, mountains covered by forests. A place like a in fairy tale - perfect for a weekend getaway and a little bit of relax :)
Oprocz cudnych widokow rowniez miasteczko zdobylo od razu moje serce. Choc nie byla to moja pierwsza wizyta w tych stronach (juz kiedys pisalam o Jeziorze Maggiore) to za kazdym razem bardzo mi sie tu podoba. Miasteczko jest czyste, zadbane, pelne hoteli, pensjonatow, restauracji i sklepikow z pamiatkami.
the marvelous view,
also the town won my heart immediately. Although
it was not my
first visit to this place (already I used to write about Lake
Maggiore) every time I really
like it. The town is clean, neat, full of hotels, guesthouses,
restaurants and souvenir shops.
W miasteczku jest takie jedno miejsce, ktore ja osobiscie uwielbiam i moglabym tam spacerowac godzinami...Deptak nad brzegiem jeziora, z widokiem na Wyspy Boromejskie, jezioro, gory i plywajace stateczki, a to wszystko polaczone z nutka pachnacych kwiatow i odglosem mew...
The town is a lovely place, which I personally love and
where could I walk
for hours ... Promenade on the lake, with views of the Borromean Islands, the lake, mountains and floating boats, all combined with the hint of fragrant flowers and
the sound of seagulls .. .
Dobrze jest wiedziec, ze sa jeszcze miejsca takie jak to, gdzie mozna poczuc zapach prawdziwej natury i piekna nie zniszczonego (jeszcze) przez cywilizacje...
It is
good to know that
there are still places like this
one, where you can feel the
smell of the true nature and beauty is not
destroyed (yet) by
civilizations ...