Dzis, w zwiazku ze zblizajacymi sie swietami, chce Was zabrac w podroz na jarmarki bozonarodzeniowe do Ceres.
Ceres (Piemont) - to niewiekie miasteczko polozone w poblizu granicy z Valle D'Aosta. Zima ta niewielka, gorska miejscowosc zamienia sie w swoista kraine swietego Mikolaja i przyciaga swoja magiczna atmosfera mieszkancow calego regionu.
Today I wish to take you with me on a
journey to Christmas markets
in Ceres.
Ceres (Piedmont) - it is a little town near the border with Valle D’Aosta region. In winter is a small mountain village which looks like to the land of Santa Claus and his magical atmosphere attracts residents of the entire region.
Ceres (Piedmont) - it is a little town near the border with Valle D’Aosta region. In winter is a small mountain village which looks like to the land of Santa Claus and his magical atmosphere attracts residents of the entire region.
Miasteczko samo w sobie, choc niewielkie, w tym szczegolnym okresie staje sie magiczne i wyjatkowe... Cala centralna uliczka natomiast zamienia sie w bozonarodzeniowy targ dodajac jeszcze wiecej uroku i magii...
The town, although small, in this particular time becomes magical and exceptional ... The central street turns into Christmas
market, adding even more charm and magic atmosphere ...
A mnie osobiscie nie pozostaje nic innego jak zyczyc Wam wszystkim pieknych, spokojnych i wesolych swiat w gronie rodziny i przyjaciol i w atmosferze pokoju i magii, tego cudownego okresu!
About me, I wish you
all a nice and peaceful Merry Christmas with your family and friends in an atmosphere of peace.